Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Abacos - BAHAMAS

Greetings once again, but this time from the Bahamas!  My apologies for the LONG delay in blogging, but the days/weeks have been a bit of a blur.  I went back to VA for a couple weeks in February, then returned to meet Mark in West Palm Beach, FL on March 8.  A couple days to prepare (grocery shop!), and we were off to the Bahamas.  Our friend, Chris, came along for the fun ride over and got to stay and enjoy the island life for a little while.  It was great having him onboard!

The WiFi availability has been extremely limited and not strong/reliable most of the time, so it's been a challenge to try to upload pictures.  But I decided to tough through it and at least get some pictures shared with y'all!  We've been making our rounds anchoring amidst many of the Abacos Islands (northernmost Bahamas):  so far, we've visited Great Sale Cay, Green Turtle Cay, Abacos Cay and Marsh Harbor, Great Guana Cay, Little Harbor, Sandy Cay, and some other smaller cays.  The weather has been good, for the most part, with occasional rainy and/or windy days when we hunker down at anchor.  

Hope you enjoy the pics!!!

Thug's dramatic "wave-splash" pose

Ya, mon

Many isolated small beaches to explore!

On a dinghy tour of some inland areas - beautiful

A little island bling

Caves near Little Harbor

Yet another beautiful beach

Exploring Great Guana Cay beachside

Beaches are gorgeous, but shells are more challenging to find!

Just had to include this....

Rocky/limestone shores in most places

Thug is becoming quite used to the water!!!

Lighthouse at Hope Town, Elbow Cay

Cool snorkeling finds - (he put the starfish back!)

Pete's Place at Little Harbor

The dinghy master

It's hard to capture the beauty of the water here....

: )

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